Friday, September 14, 2012

Rabbit Hunter

I've been taking it pretty easy this summer. Even though I'm always watching for rabbits and squirrels, I think they've been hiding out to keep cool. Then yesterday Popo and I were taking our walk and I scared up a rabbit. It took off and I was right behind him--flat out running as fast as I could go. Then I hit the hole, rolling and spinning through the air! I landed on my feet and took off again but the rabbit had a lead on me. I was ok--just a little grass stain on my knees and a bruised ego.

Monday, September 10, 2012

A Cute Pup

Wow! I didn’t know what a cute pup I was until Auntie found some old pictures of me from my first canoe trip. I was just a little thing but I remember sitting on Popo’s lap in the canoe. He held on to me so I wouldn’t fall out. Mostly we just rode down the Current River, stopping to eat and play in the sand and water. At the end of the day I was tired and ready for a nap.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day

Hope you're having a good day off. I’m celebrating the end of summer with a walk, a nap and some watermelon. The corn may be gone, but if I can sneak a piece of watermelon I’m a happy dog.