Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dumpster Diving

I love garbage and trash! At every opportunity I head for the compost bin or trash burner. Yesterday I made it to the compost bin undetected. I was going in—head first—when I heard my name. I stood up and gave my innocent “you talkin’ to me?” look. Not even enough time to get to the good stuff, but I still had to take a bath.

Later I found a big dead katydid in the grass—yum!—something crunchy to eat. Before I got a good bite Auntie grabbed it from my mouth. Another missed opportunity.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Big Day

Today was a good day--Dad and the boys came to see me! I saw them drive in from the living room window and could't wait to get outside. Everybody was excited to see the boys. They were running and jumping--it made me tired just to watch them. It's hard to imagine I was ever that size!

Dad hasn't forgotten me or how to scratch my back just right. When they got ready to go home I ran and jumped in the car, too. I had to get out and stay behind, I was sad so Auntie gave me a treat and I took a nap.
When I was sitting on Popo’s lap yesterday it reminded me of the first time I sat on this lap. I was just a pup and we were going canoeing on the Current River. It was an exciting trip for me—my first time camping and the chance to meet more of my new family. Popo sat in the front of Dad’s canoe and I sat on his lap all the way down the river. We were pals from that day on.

Life lesson: Whether you’re young or old, lap sitting is a great way to pass the time.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Beware of Sticky Tiles

I've been trying to earn my keep. First I had to help Auntie get the kitchen floor ready for the new tile--measuring, cutting the wood, putting in the the screws and painting on the primer. Actually, I didn't paint, I just sat at the edge and watched.

The real fun began yesterday when we started putting down the tile. I couldn't figure out how to be the most help. When Auntie was working on the edges--measuring and cutting--I decided to get a closer look. I stretched out on the floor behind her. When I got up I had half a tile stuck to my tummy and dragging on the floor between my legs! I couldn't move. When I tried to walk I got stuck on two more tiles that were lying on the floor. Boy was I embarrassed! Auntie thought I looked pretty funny--it's just a good thing they didn't get a picture.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I've been busy watching for crumbs on the floor, but nothing can compare to the hamburger I was able to swipe from a dish sitting by the grill. Remember, you must move fast, but don't get burned.

More lessons:
1. Don’t pee on the flowers. I can’t explain why, but humans get very annoyed when their flowers die. Even with all the options—posts, poles, trees, bushes— there is something appealing about peeing on flowers. It’s appealing until you get in trouble when the flowers die.

2. Learn the house rules. It may be confusing, but each house may have different rules. For example, I can sleep on the bed with Auntie, but I must sleep in my crate at home.

3. Tolerate the cats. You don’t have to play with them. You don’t have to like them, but you do have to put up with them.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Life Lessons - What I've Learned

Having two new brothers is a big responsibility. I have learned so many lessons (often the hard way) that I want to pass on.

1. Stay out of the road. Anyone who knows me knows how I learned this lesson. I still have the battle scars to show for my encounter with a car.

2. Always wear your tags. I got hauled off to "jail" when I was wondering around without my ID. Mom had to come and bail me out.

3. Come when you're called. Yesterday I was outside with Popo and Auntie. I was just checking things out around the yard when I say the tailgate to the car open--looks like we might be going someplace. I jumped in and laid down so I wouldn't get left behind. When they called I stood up in the window. They kept calling my name. They thought it was pretty funny when they saw me standing up in the window, but I could have gotten in big trouble for not coming when I was called.

4. Do not eat bar bait. Actually, don't eat just anything you find lying around. I know from experience what a trip to the emergency room is like.

5. Don't wear your new sweater if you're going to chase something through a brush pile. I've lost all my sweaters this way, and guys, it gets cold in the winter.

6. Learn the sound of the treat sack. Enough said.

Buzz's Blog

My name is Buzz. I recently went to visit Nanny and Popo when my parents adopted two new boys. The boys were only eight weeks old when they came to live with us. My new bothers are cute and rambunctious--always trying to get my attention. Sometimes they just annoy me and I walk away.

So for now, I visiting my grandparents on the farm. I enjoy all the attention and treats. I decided to write a blog so I can pass on all my life experience to my new brothers.